Nigeria: Facilitating Access at the Entry Points of the Justice System

In February and March 2014, NCSC Court Administration Advisor, Bob Wily, held follow-up case management trainings and workshops for court beneficiaries from Lagos and Enugu. The Magistrate Courts of Enugu and Lagos Fast Track Courts are pilot courts under DFID’s Justice for All Program, implemented by the British Council in partnership with NCSC.

To date, each pilot shows progress in the formation of a case management steering committee, the introduction of case management principles, and the generation of statistical reports to better enable decision-making. Steering committees are actively reviewing progress towards achievement of goals, developing and adopting new time standards and management tools, and coordinating with supervisory authorities to ensure successful pilot initiatives can be taken to scale.

The goal of the Nigeria Justice for All Program is to enhance access and transparency of services at the entry points of the justice system, working with lower courts including Magistrates, customary and Sharia courts. With additional workshops scheduled in April and May 2014, NCSC will continue supporting case management reforms in the lower courts of Nigeria.